How print media monitoring has changed

15 Nov 2023

Industry Insights
When you hear the term print media, chances are you think of newspapers and magazines in hard copy form. Times have changed. In the same way that the concept of print media evolved, so has the monitoring of media — especially print media. Read on to find out what those changes are.

There was a time when media monitoring was a manual process.

Since then, print now includes a plethora of digital publications. These changes caused the monitoring world to change as well.

Monitoring now uses the power of automation.

Through AI and Natural Language Processing, it is easier to find pieces as well as analyse them to give you the full story.

It is important for media monitoring to evolve with the rest of the industry.

The media industry is vast and ever-changing. To find out more about monitoring for other types of media, have a look at Why you should subscribe to broadcast media monitoring.

*Image courtesy of Canva